In Situ glass conservation: A case study from the archaeological site of Barsinia, Jordan
Abstract: During the excavation carried out by the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology,
Yarmouk University, at the archaeological site of Barsinia, northern Jordan, from July 10 to August
15, 2006, a considerable collection of glasses has been uncovered. The preservation of those glasses
was important because of their archaeological and technological interests. Recording (photography
and drawing in scale 1:1) took place before the lifting and transportation of the glass object to the
eld laboratory. Special lifting techniques (in block and backing) were applied to these glasses. Initial
consolidation with PVA emulsion and bandaging with gauze and plaster were also applied in order
to reassure future study and resetting of the glasses. Preliminary conservation of the glass objects
included cleaning, consolidation and joining. At rst, initial tests were carried out in order to select
the appropriate materials. Glass samples intended to be analyzed were kept without conservation
treatment. Finally, the treated glasses were packed and stored properly until their conservation is
completed in a specialized laboratory.

Dr. Ramadan Abd-Allah: Conservation Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University,
Egypt. E-mail:
Dr. Lamia El-Khouri: Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology,
Yarmouk University, Jordan. E-mail: lam_khouri@yahoo.d